Seismic Data
Isoseismal Maps of Russia
These isoseismal maps of the Russian Federation have been developed by the
Russian Academy of Sciences under the government-sponsored General Seismic
Zoning Program (OSR-97).
The maps show the seismic intensity levels of the Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik scale (MSK-64) assigned to earthquake sites within the three regions of the Russian
Federation - the European part of Russia, Siberia, and the Russia`s Far East.
The maps are grouped by region. Each set of maps includes three maps, covering
10-percent (Map A), 5-percent (Map B), and 1-percent (Map C) probability of
increase over mapped indexes of seismic activity in a given area within a
50-year period.
To view the maps, click the links to the left.

1 - European part of Russia
2 - Siberia
3 - Russian Far East
Key Map
The seismic intensities shown on the maps shall be applied to sites with soils
of standard profile types as specified in SNIP II-7-81, Construction in Seismic Areas.
The full text of SNIP II-7-81 is readily available in English. Please contact SNIP and order your copy today!