Software Installation
System Requirements
The minimum requirements for the devices on which the software is installed
are provided in the User’s Guide.
Specific Features of Software Installation
Before installing the software in your computer system, we recommend that you
refer to the Software section, where
you can learn about various options for software installation.
The procedures for installation of the software on the hardware are described
in detail in the User’s Guide.
Database Software
We recommend that you install the Database Software before you install the
User Software. This is because the User Software needs to access the folder
where the Database is located during the installation process.
You can run the Database installation program from any remote computer in the
network that operates in the Windows platform and that has administrative
access to the folder where the Database is to be installed.
User Software
Since the User Software needs to access the folder where the Database is
located during the installation process, we recommend that you install the
Database first. The User Software should be installed after this.
IMPORTANT! Only install the electronic key after the User Software is
installed. The same requirement applies to reinstallation of the User
Software; specifically, you must remove the electronic key from the computer
before reinstalling the User Software.
In-Text References:
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