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Regulatory ReformMaking RegulationsGlossary


What Is a Technical Regulation?

A technical regulation is a technical regulatory document in the form of a federal law, a Russian Federation government resolution, or an order of the President of the Russian Federation, that establishes mandatory minimum requirements on targets of technical regulation. Where necessary, it also establishes the procedures for assessing conformity with mandatory requirements and requirements on terminology, design, manufacture, labeling, packaging, transportation, storage, operation, and disposal of targets of technical regulation.
Targets of technical regulation include manufactured goods, products of agriculture and the food processing industry, buildings and structures, health and safety, standardization of measurements, and provision of services.

Types of Technical Regulations

The Federal Law “Technical Regulation” provides for enactment of general and special technical regulations.

General technical regulations are adopted for issues universal for many spheres of activity.

Special (industry-specific) technical regulations apply to specific industries or specific types of products and services, and are direct regulations.

General and special technical regulations are enacted by means of federal law. In certain cases, special technical regulations may be enacted by orders of the President of Russia or the Cabinet.

During the transitional period, the old technical regulations and standards enacted prior to 2003 will coexist with the new technical regulations.

Objective of Technical Regulations

Russian technical regulations are adopted to protect public life and health, the property of individuals or business entities, the property of federal and regional governments, municipal property, to protect the environment, and to prevent consumer fraud.

Difference Between a Technical Regulation and a Standard

The Federal Law “Technical Regulation” establishes that technical regulations are mandatory. Even if a product is allowed to be imported into the Russian Federation, if it does not meet the requirements of a technical regulation it will not be allowed to be put on the market. By contrast, conformity with standards is voluntary. Does this mean that it is not necessary to meet the requirements of technical standards? No. In the opinion of the bureaucrats at the government inspection agencies, conformity of a product to technical regulations can only be assessed on the basis of specific technical requirements on the product and benchmarks, which are generally contained in the standard for a given product, rather than the technical regulation.

More information:

     Need for Reforms
     Types of Regulations
     Scope of Regulations
     Reform Timeframe
     Mandatory Standards

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