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Will the Old Standards Remain in Force?

Prior to the Russian Federation Law “Technical Regulation”, the technical regulation system in Russia was based on more than 500,000 mandatory regulations developed and officially approved by government agencies and organizations.

The law introduced a 7-year transitional period, effective July 1, 2003, during which (and until relevant technical regulations are passed) earlier regulations and standards relating to standardization and certification, metrology, accreditation, and confirmation of conformity will remain in full force. All other technical regulations and standards issued prior to 2003 are subject to mandatory implementation only as they directly relate to public safety, protection of health, protection of government property and property of individuals and business entities, and environmental protection. Of these documents, more than 24,000 are national standards (GOSTs), approximately 35,000 are industry-specific standards (OSTs), more than 150,000 are technical specifications (TUs), approximately 10,000 are building codes, regulations and standards, and there are also tens of thousands of industry-specific regulations. SNIP publishes indexes of Russian technical standards annually and will continue to collect and disseminate regulatory information as reform progresses. More on Indexes of Russian Industry Standards...

The transitional provisions allow government agencies to perform monitoring and oversight functions using old regulatory documents. The obvious problem faced by both businesses and government oversight agencies is to clearly define which requirements in a complex regulatory document apply to safety and which do not. As a rule, the government agency providing oversight of compliance with the regulations and standards in effect will have the last word.

The scope of the activity of the monitoring and oversight agencies will be significantly reduced after 2010. Only those requirements established by technical regulations will henceforth be mandatory. Technical requirements not included in technical regulations might not be mandatory. Beginning in 2010, all technical standards developed in the USSR and Russian Federation will automatically become voluntary.

More information:

     Need for Reforms
     Types of Regulations
     Scope of Regulations
     Reform Timeframe
     Mandatory Standards

Markets: Russia | Kazakhstan

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