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Public Discussion of the Draft of a Technical Regulation

The developer of a technical regulation, who may be any individual or business entity, must publish at its own cost a notice of development of a technical regulation (or of development of revisions to a regulation in effect) in an official publication of the federal executive agency having jurisdiction over technical regulation.

When the notice is published, the text of the draft of the technical regulation is available for public discussion, which lasts at least three months. During the discussion period, any interested party can submit written comments. The developer then modifies the draft of the technical regulation with the written comments of the interested parties taken into account. If irreconcilable differences of opinion exist, the developer will hold a discussion and publish a list of differences of opinion. In this list, the developer must justify the reasons why comments of interested parties cannot be taken into consideration.

READ NEXT:  Administrative review of a draft of a technical regulation

     Rulemaking Overview
     Proposing and Drafting
     Public Comments
     Administrative Review
     Legislative Approval
     Revision and Cancellation
     Emergency Rulemaking

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