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Regulatory ReformMaking RegulationsGlossary


Special Procedure for Developing and Approving Technical Regulations

Pursuant to the Federal Law “Technical Regulation”, the President of the Russian Federation may decide to develop a technical regulation without public discussion. This decision shall be immediately officially published. In this case, the technical regulation will be enacted by a Presidential order. As a rule, the need to immediately enact a technical regulation will be dictated by conditions where there is a direct threat to the life or health of individuals, as well as to the life and health of plants and wildlife, the property of natural persons or business entities, state or municipal property, or the environment. When using the special procedure for approving technical regulations, the President may also be guided by considerations for ensuring product safety, safety of the processes of production, operation, and recycling (disposal) of products, or by national security considerations.

The technical regulations enacted by an order of the President of the Russian Federation are interim regulations. Simultaneously with enactment of a technical regulation by order of the President, the Cabinet submits draft legislation to the State Duma, which is reviewed per the normal procedure. If approved by the legislators, this draft legislation becomes a permanent technical regulation. The technical regulation enacted by order of the President then expires.

More Information:


     Rulemaking Overview
     Proposing and Drafting
     Public Comments
     Administrative Review
     Legislative Approval
     Revision and Cancellation
     Emergency Rulemaking

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